Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Week 5 Discussion

 I loved the reading “Presidential silence, C. Everett Koop, and the surgeon general's report on AIDS.” I was surprised to see how a single article had such a great influence in the recognition of AIDS as a top hazard for the country. It was also interesting to see how politics came into play and led to Reagan’s 6-year silence regarding AIDS, where he refused to talk about it because of the way in which the public viewed the disease in relation to homosexuality (which was not viewed in the same way that it is viewed today). In this case, misinformation was expressed through silence, which was different from the other articles we’ve read. Reagan’s silence caused people to believe that it wasn’t really that important of an issue, when AIDS was actually killing thousands of Americans. 

I would like to know more about the article itself, and the specifics of what it talked about. I know that this does not relate directly to the impacts that it had regarding the development of AIDS treatment, but it is some context that I would like to know more about, considering that I barely know anything about AIDS.

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Week 5 Discussion

  I loved the reading “Presidential silence, C. Everett Koop, and the surgeon general's report on AIDS.” I was surprised to see how a si...