Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Melany Keroglyan - Week 4 Assignment

Melany Keroglyan - Week 4 Assignment 

Discussion question for the Marita Sturken reading, “Absent Images of Memory: Remembering and Reenacting the Japanese Internment”: 

Sturken stresses the role and significance of photographs in paving the way for historical and cultural recollections. She explores how some moments, like the Japanese internment period, lacked such historical and cultural context in photos, expressing, “Yet forgetting can also be produced through the presence of images. A single image-icon can screen out other images of a historical event. For instance, the iconic image of the mushroom cloud of the atom bomb obliterates the less well-known images of the bomb’s destruction.” (Sturken 690). And therefore, factual context is less represented in collective memory. How do photographs affect our view and recollection of historical circumstances? Can an event be recalled differently with the sight or lack of visual documentation?

Discussion question for the Ronald Bishop reading, “To Protect and Serve: The “GuardDog” Function of Journalism Coverage of the Japanese-American Internment”: 

The reading explores how print journalists shifted from “watchdogs” to “guard dogs” in their news coverage of Japanese-Americans during the internment period. How does this transition in journalistic duty and role influence our familiarity with the media’s impact on general views and government policies in moments of crisis? Are there any current instances where the media has adopted a comparable “guard dog” position?

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