Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Melany Keroglyan - Week 5 Discussion Post

Melany Keroglyan - Week 5 Discussion Post

Based on Jih-Fei Cheng’s reading, “AIDS, Women of Color Feminisms, Queer and Trans of Color Critiques, and the Crisis of Knowledge Production,” how does intersectionality function as a critical part of the mentioned social movements (#BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, aids activism), and how do these social justice campaigns echo their founders’ revolutionary and intersectional conventions?

Additionally, Cheng’s text examines the significance of focusing and incorporating women and trans + queer POC in knowledge production and social movements. How can we guarantee their voices are not dismissed for consideration and justly incorporated into the address and decision making procedures taken?

In Jennifer Briers’s text, “Marketing Safe Sex,” Brier explores how the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and Les Pappas used a method that aimed to eroticize the prevention of AIDS, specifically the usage of condoms, as a way to sell the product to gay men and market safe sex. How did this strategy counter conventional general health approaches? Moreover, what were the conceivable benefits and drawbacks of using eroticism in the movements for AIDS prevention?

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Week 5 Discussion

  I loved the reading “Presidential silence, C. Everett Koop, and the surgeon general's report on AIDS.” I was surprised to see how a si...